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Apr, 2024

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Officer Duties
President shall serve as chief executive officer. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The President shall be authorized as signer on all bank accounts of Freehold Football, lnc. The President shall prepare an agenda for each meeting. The president shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees; appoint committee chairperson and members with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. The President shall oversee the registration process. The President shall be responsible for overseeing all operations of the Concession Stand and should coordinate with the Concession Stand Director to maintain accurate records for the Concession Stand.

Vice President
The Vice President shall serve as insurance coordinator and shall coordinate Coaches Safety and Orientation Training and shall preside over meetings when the President is not in attendance. The Vice President shall facilitate background checks for all Coaches, Board of Directors or other applicable parties. The Vice President shall perform the President's duties while he/she is absent or unable to act. The Vice President shall be authorized as signer on all bank accounts of Freehold Football, lnc.

Football Commissioner
he Football Commissioner shall be responsible for all communications with affiliated programs; including but not limited to registration, rosters, and scheduling. The Football Commissioner shall attend all affiliate required meetings (or coordinate for alternative representation). The Football Commissioner shall also be responsible for the appointment of a Competitive Football Director, Non-Competitive Football Director (including Flag); and shall coordinate all their efforts.

Cheer Commissioner
The Cheer Commissioner shall be responsible for all communications with affiliated programs; including but not limited to registration, rosters, and scheduling. The Cheer Commissioner shall attend all affiliate-required meetings (or coordinate for alternative representation). The Cheer Commissioner shall also be responsible for the appointment of a Cheer Director, and Head Coaches; and shall coordinate all their efforts.

The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings, hearings, correspondence and official documents of Freehold Football, lnc. The Secretary shall generate and distribute notices of all meetings, minutes, and correspondence. All minutes shall be made readily available by the Secretary to all present at monthly meetings. Records of monthly minutes shall be held for a minimum of three years. The Secretary shall send out monthly minutes a minimum of two (2) days prior to the monthly scheduled board meeting to the Board of Directors and keep an accurate record of attendance. All Votes shall be recorded in the minutes by the Secretary. The Secretary shall prepare a ballot listing all offices and candidates for elections. Each year the Secretary will be responsible for updating all legal documents to reflect any changes to the Executive Committee. The Secretary must also update any and all affected documentation with the Associations affiliates and/or contracted suppliers (i.e. phone, postal box, etc.) The Secretary shall be authorized as signer on all bank accounts of Freehold Football, lnc.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining all financial records, including but not limited to bank records and statements, vouchers forms requesting payment, receipts, records of deposits received from each source, etc. The Treasurer shall be authorized as signer on all bank accounts of Freehold Football, lnc. The Treasurer shall provide a written/typed financial report at each month's Membership meeting that accurately reflects the Association's current financial status. The Treasurer shall be responsible for assuring that all procedures delineated in these By-Laws of a financial nature are followed and adhered to before any payment is made. The Treasurer shall be responsible for recommending to the Executive Committee the identity of a Certified Public Accountant who is not a member of the Board of Directors nor whose family participates in Freehold Football, lnc. for the purposes of conducting an annual audit of the finances of the corporation. Selection of the auditor shall be made by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

The Sergeant-at-Arms shall maintain order at all meetings, closing all meetings and record all roll call votes. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be responsible for the collection of any monies or property due the Association; this includes, but is not limited to: registration fees, fines, accounts receivables, and equipment. The Sergeant-at-Arms will serve as acting Secretary in their absence.

General Manager
The General Manager ("GM") shall be responsible for all equipment and all related tasks, including but not limited to: inventory, storage, conditioning, re-supplying and distribution. The GM shall maintain an accurate manifest and log of all such equipment. The GM shall be responsible for all facility-related tasks, including but not limited to: clubhouse and storage shed maintenance, equipment maintenance, game day field set-up and breakdown, and coordination of the field crew. The GM shall be responsible for all ordering of merchandise directly related to the program's operation.

Contact Us

Freehold Football

330 Mounts Corner Rd. #215 
Freehold, New Jersey 07728

Email Us: [email protected]
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